
Dear Parents,

Your child will receive their homework packet every Friday and it is due the following Friday.  It is very important that homework become a priority in your household.

I have prepared a new homework folder for each child.  This folder should be checked each day by you and returned to school with your child the next day.  Children with incomplete or missing homework will miss morning recess until all work is made up.

When there are important notices or permission slips for field trips to be sent home, they will be placed in your child's homework folder.  Please encourage your child to treat this folder with respect and care.  If it is lost, or destroyed, it will be your child's responsibility to replace it immediately. 
Homework completion is an important part of the curriculum and is graded on the report card.  Make sure that your child has an appropriate time and place to do his or her work at home.  Developing good study habits now will ensure academic success in the future.


Top 10 Good Homework Habits:

  1. Keep assignments in your Binder
  2. Plan a regular time to study each day.
  3. Find a consistent place to study/work
  4. Keep all materials you will need handy in your study area.
  5. Make sure you have a lot of light.
  6. Ask a family member to review your work.
  7. Correct mistakes and make sure work is neatly completed.
  8. Keep distractions to a minimum. (phone, music, siblings)
  9. Always do your best and think through all strategies taught to you.
  10. Return all your work to your Binder so you are prepared for the next day. :0)